Thursday, July 21, 2016

The June BOS Review

So what about that haul?
Finally the "Box of Shadows" post, Circle cats! (.... I know right?)

I received my June, BOS (gulp) a few weeks ago! Perhaps my kitty was the most exxcited - he still goes right for that box! (I love this furball!)

The facts: $40 per month, renews automatically, communication via email. Simple. Consistent. Perhaps this should be called "Box of Awesomeness" instead! 

What's the haul this month?

This month I received a black and a white votive candle with a tip sheet (very timely protection candles), a sage smudge bundle, a box of incense, a polished tiger eye stone, a pack of lavender buds, a portion of 'lovers tea', a container of "Fire" bath salt, a goddess pendent on a cord, a beautiful pentagram altar box, and a lovely tiger eye bracelet with a sun celestial charm! 

I noticed there are no chime candles this time. 

I love getting this each month! Everything in the box is nice again. My two favorite things in this shipment are the alter box with a carved pentagram and the celestial tiger eye bracelet! Both are really beautiful. I often carry tiger iron in my pocket. I am just drawn to that stone I guess. 

This summer, I have been thinking about my phrase "Crunchy Little Boat" and as such, I got the idea that we should actually make a couple of boats to sail in the park. So, the empty box has been reused in an art project by my nature-sprites. Two boats with a chopstick each for a mast and (previously loved) scrap fabric collected for the sails. They colored them too. I love the eco friendly packaging, which literally really floats my kids crunchy little boats! 

I will get to the July BOS post pretty soon - I know I am so late on this one... eeeh! Need to get a cuppa coffee just now lol. C'mon, You know you wish we could sit here with me and have a nice cuppa together! Who knows what energy we'd get cooking! X)

~Alette )0(

Catching up....

OH circle peeps! You may have noticed that I have not been posting for a few weeks. Eeeeh sorry. Fact is I have been working a great deal, and well, it is summer - like easy, breezy, sun soaking! 

Meanwhile back in the Circle...

Litha, aka: summer solstice. Shouldn't there be a Litha post? Yes, but it was rather subdued. I began writing it a while ago and just lost oooomph. That is saying something for me. I will finish and post it soon. Really. 

I have ogled the full moon for the last few days. Just amazing energy. I charged my stones too. 

Also I have been star gazing - I feel like I could just get lost in the nights radiance!

Awesomely, I have gotten another Box of Shadows. I know, I know... Where is the post about the last box I promised y'all? Well, as I sit here I can assure you (C'mon smile) that I will post about both boxes soon! (Yes, I did take a few pics as I opened the packages - See I was thinking of yall!)

I have been lighting my peace candles on Wednesdays too! Have you chosen to burn for peace too?

I have been watching the unfolding social and political happenings in our land as well. The tragedies of late are just that - tragic. I haven't had the words at all... and frankly all I can handle is to light a candle dedicated to peace everytime I hear about these sad events. 

Beyond that I have decided that after this election cycle I will support the Green Party. I really find Jill Stein resonates with me. I want to see what Bernie will do at the DNC - but frankly I don't trust the party at all after the shenanigans with the state conventions and voter suppression reports! So I invite you to check out Jill and the Greens. I would love to know your thoughts!

May the Goddess richly bless your life and may you be deeply and lovingly connected to Earth.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Summer Solstice '16

Blessed Litha '16!

This is one holiday that really is not to be  missed - and yet it falls at such a busy time of year. There is so much energy at this time that it seems we are so eager to go, go, go and yet the heat seems to put us into slow motion, begging for shade!

I know it may sound odd, but remember this is about My Pagan Family so - here it is. We celebrate this sabbat over a few days. We cleaned out our garage, mulched landscape beds, and spruced up the outdoor fire circle. We had intended to have our bonfire but it just didn't work out this time. 

We went to a water park and basked in the glory of the sun! We also enjoyed our lunch on a breezy patio while watching the birds. 

The kids love having Slurpee, Icey, Slushy, Kona, cold sweet treats. We let the kids go crazy with this stuff during Litha. It just feels right. 

A baseball game rounded out our Litha celebrations. Aaaah the people watching ;)

Of course a cheerful alter was in order. Lots of sunshine themed, warm colors. Wheres the photo? Eeeeeh. I have took hunt for a photo. I had some tech difficulties in the midst of the summer and I don't know if the photos I took are going to make it here. We shall see. Life just IS. 

All in all a good solstice. 
Wishing you and yours a sunny happy summer!
Alette >)0(<

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Today is Peace Wednesday!


I am a pacifist. I deeply believe in peaceful living. I believe in equality of all humans. 

Here is this weeks candle on Wednesday for peace.

I invite you to join me. 

Light a candle and contemplate and visualize peace and equality - commit to that ideal.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

Enjoy your Memorial Day U.S.A. !!

This Memorial Day, we light a candle and express our gratitude for those who served and gave all for our country. Freedom has not been free.
We have a little memorial altar here. We light a candle and take a min of reflection. 

We engage in some seriously American activities today - we drink Coke's and eat BBQ. We'll play some hockey and later we sure hope to see some fireworks!


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesdays For Peace

Something is new around here! Welcome to "Wednesdays for Peace" 
I am a pacifist. I deeply believe in peaceful living. I believe in equality of all humans. 

I will be burning a candle every Wednesday for peace.

I invite you to join me. 
Light a candle and contemplate and visualize peace and equality - commit to that ideal.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Full Moon and Mercury

I wanted to view Mercury in its glory. I was all jazzed. There was a light cool breeze and due to the full moon the area was lit naturally like a dim morning. The energy around us was palpable! How exciting!

I headed out to my usual viewing area with my beloved - and, and, and..... clouds. Lots, and lots of big marshmallowy clouds. Although the clouds were back-lit nicely we could not view a single light in the sky. No visible moon, or stars, and no Mercury. Herrrumph!

So, that's it. Lots of energy, and no viewing.

However - the end of the retrograde is awesome! I have had terrible almost debilitating head aches for several days, which is completely abnormal for me. All of my household's sleep has been 'off'. Also one of my children has been ill. Today, finally - no one in my home is ill and I have no head ache! I think I just need a good nap! Truth.

Wishing you all well my 'circle kittys'!
~Alette )0(

Box of Shadows for May

Hey Circle Cats! (...that means you...)

I received my May Box of Shadows this week! I am still excited about finding that package in the mailbox. Yup! I especially enjoy the adventure of this surprise treat box. 

This remains true:
The facts: $40 per month, renews automatically, communication via email. Simple. 

What's inside this month?

This month I received five chime candles (pink, red, white, blue, yellow), a green "abundance" candle with glass cup holder and tip sheet, a sage smudge bundle, Jasmine incense, a garnet stone, a vile of anointing oil, a soapstone pentagram altar tile, and a carved sheesham wood spoon! 

I am jazzed about everything in the box. My two favorite things in this box are the wooden spoon with a carved pentagram and the pentagram tile! As you can see in the photo, these two things are really beautiful. I have a special affinity for the protection of the star! I wear them, have them, and draw them pretty much everywhere! So having these two pieces in the box are especially exciting for me. 

This months empty box has already been reused in a school project by my youngest child. It is now an artful part of a "Reading Robot".  I have likely mentioned this before - but the eco friendly packaging really floats my crunchy little boat! 

I will post about the June BoS surprise next month. C'mon, You know you are curious! X)

~Alette )0(

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Mandalas for Peace!

*EYEROLL*! Yes, it is 2016, and no I will not sugar coat this. I have a problem with willful ignorance, but not with art. Never with art.

This is my answer to the uneducated shitstorm of anti-mandala sentiment introduced by a Christian blogger.

((Origional Xtian post found here: Last Hiker))

Dear Last Hiker - Take a long hike off of a short dock! - Mother Nature

I am not a "crunchy new-ager", but that's a great thing to be! I do happen to be a "crunchy" Pagan though - also a great way to be! (However - I guess this is meant to be an insult? Hum... I thought Christians were above that.... guess not...)

This post hit a nerve. It hit a nerve in myself and appeared to also hit a nerve in the spiritually aware community of Paganism. The ignorance and misinformation (from a Christian Theological perspective) in the post is woefully astounding. Many of the comments are dreadfully ignorant as well.

First (I believe) all art is good art. Art is not just for children. It is for humans. Self expression that harms none, is an excellent part of being a human. Art can help us to recognize the common struggles we face. It can serve as a medium for discussion where disagreement has been tough. It can shed light on things we could not quite put our personal 'finger on'. (Yes, in my art of writing - I did end that sentence with a preposition - the imagery and whimsy would not otherwise have been the same.)

Art can be various things including writing, dancing, music, sculpture, recycling, gardening, fashion, paint, tattoo (I know sooo subversive), make up..... the list could go on and on and on.... every person can be drawn to express art in their own way. This. is. GOOD!

So, I challenge you to ask yourself how artwork, or participating in artistic expression could *possibly* lead one 'religiously' astray. If I choose to color a picture of a rood, it does not make me a Christian. If I focus on the life of the tree while doing so, I have aligned my mind with the trees life cycle. (If you are curious what else I am talking about - see "Dream of the Rood" it's classic lit and being well read is a good thing, so look it up dude. Also, the irony here, I mean really!)

Similarly, having a coloring book with mandalas, coloring them, or creating a mandala will NOT invoke (or evoke) some scary deity - unless of course you believe in that deity and focus your energy on said deity as you color. Therefore, lets say one is a Christian and therefor does not believe in any deity existing besides Jesus Christ. Therefor it is literally impossible to be lead to any other form of deity while coloring a mandala. This is basic Christian theology people. Yes. Really.

One should never take these random bloggers ideas as gospel. Yes, I said it.

Ask yourself -

*IF one truly believes a deity (In this case Jesus) to be all powerful, then how could coloring a picture thwart that deity's power? You do believe your soul to be his, right?

*IF one truly believes they have been 'saved', then how could art possibly thwart that?


*What is inside your own heart is the only thing you will discover while coloring a repetitive pattern of a mandala.

*The only demons you will encounter through the door of coloring are those in your own head. So, if sneaky- "spiritual hosts of wickedness" are already in your subconscious mind.... the mandala is not your problem!

(Remember my comment about art? "It can shed light on things we could not quite put our personal 'finger on'.")?

I can promise you that the thought police are needlessly keeping you from self expression if you buy into "thou shall not color mandalas" - which by the way I am pretty certain is not expressly listed as a commandment in any Christian or Mormon scriptures. (Yes, I separate the two out because Evangelicals do not consider Mormons to be Christians due to scriptural and doctrinal differences, and Mormons don't understand the difference. Kind of like thinking mandalas will somehow cause one to become Buddhist, accidentally- or you know conjure an accidental demon. However, I digress...)

The Last Hiker quotes-

“When completed, a mandala becomes a sacred area that serves as a receptacle for deities and a collection point of universal forces. By mentally entering a mandala and proceeding to its center, a person is symbolically guided through the cosmos to the essence of reality. By constructing a mandala, a monk ritually participates in the Buddha’s teachings.”(

As a Christian you would not believe in any other deities - so how could some mysterious entity be collecting there? The Last Hiker states that demons can enter through a mandala - really? So now demons are Christian deities? Perhaps your 'saving' didn't stick?

Also, allow me to draw your attention to churches and cathedrals throughout the world, constructed at various points in history. (Note the links to click for examples) They very often contain stained glass mandalas. They also very often contain stonework or mosaic mandalas. I suppose if we follow the 'logic' of Last Hiker, that accidently makes those structures Buddhist or Hindu and has opened the door to demons. So, "sweet Christian friends" beware because if those mandalas don't get you , the ancient architecture or sheer ignorance will!

Go get a mandala and focus on world peace while you color. Focus on treating others with love (you know the sum of the whole law, per Jesus?). Focus on banashing ignorence, poverty, bigotry, violence.... Color Mandalas for peace! That is what Jesus would do.

Yes, I am blunt. Not sorry. Educated. Now, go read something that some religious authority (or blogger) told you not to read. Think for yourself. You will be glad you did.

I will light a candle for the illumination of your mind.

(AKA: I will pray for your enlightenment of thought.)

~Alette )0(

Church photos are not mine, but belong to the publishers at the websites provided. (Please note that there are many examples of church mandalas around the world, these are just a few for the sake of example.)

The related structures referenced in my essay include:

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, FR
Bordeaux Cathedral, FR
St. Vitus, Czech Christ Church, Dublin IRL
Monastery of Tatev ,9th century Armenian

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Beltane - AKA May Day

Hope ya'll had a Blessed Beltane peeps!

As luck would have it, our family had many non-faith activities on the calendar for May 1 this year. We did spend a lot of time outdoors - which is pretty typical for us. I had planned several fun activities (a craft and bonfire) that frankly just did not pan out with all the other things we had going on that day. I am not one to push kids to miss other fun things for most holidays. 

I had planned to make friendship bracelets with lovely colorful floss. I was thinking they would be a lovely creative and magickal activity. Alas, they are time consuming and we simply did not get to them. I did however take a photo as part of my planning.

I like to associate rose pink and wode blue with Beltane. I tend to think of roses too. I find the imagery of denim and flowers quite nice for this holiday. I particularly like to wear blue jeans, go barefoot outside wearing either flowers or a flower pattern or a pastel. (If you aren't from the south you may not be aware that the right blue jeans can be formal wear. True story. Promise!) This time, We just wore casual every day clothes. That's just how it is sometimes. We go with the flow. 

Our whole little family went outside and used one of our beloved mature trees as a Maypole. I lit some rose incense in the grove, which was really nice. The smoke kind of wound around us and smelled so nice! We had a good time and lots of laughter as we tried to weave a lovely pattern. In the end it was kinda wonky but just filled with love. While we were out there we blew some bubbles and enjoyed a nice spring breeze. We also took a minute to check on the little plants that have sprung up from the seeds we planted from our eggs at the Spring Equinox.

Inside the house we lit a rose colored candle complete with a white stripe spiraling around it representing the May Pole. We dedicated it to renewed creativity and abundance of Beltane and allowed it to burn all the way down. 

I enjoyed reading this article from the BBC. It would be so nice to have an inclusive town celebration such as those described in the article. Can you imagine this in the south? HA! 

I would love to read about how you observed Beltane! 
I wish you renewed creativity and abundance!

~Alette  )0(

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Month Two of Box of Shadows!

 Box of Shadows

So Jazzed! I received my second Box of Shadows via post! I can't describe the feeling of finding that package in the mailbox. I did not realize just how much I would look forward to the surprise of whats inside. I was so excited I just kind of tore into it - then I took a picture of the treasures inside! So far, I am enjoying this new adventure.

The facts: $40 per month, renews automatically, communication via email. Simple. 

What's inside this month?

I am just jazzed with this months box. It appears to be spring themed - which is just perfect! As you can see in the photo, there is a bundle of sage, some chime candles, Rose incense, a wooden incense plate, a rose quartz stone, a malachite bracelet, a large funky pentacle, a package of "Painless Moments"  loose tea and a tea ball. 

Ever the ecology sweetheart I recycle - my cat has decided this box, now empty- is destined to be his. I will post about the next BoS crate next month. Excitement! X)

Cats love boxes
Every kitty, ever, needs a good box or fifty!

Blessed Be~

Alette ♥

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I ♥ my cat.

I adore my Cat. Yes this little post is about my favorite fuzzy buddy - my beloved Skitty. 

At this very moment as I type this, 

He is draped across my thigh. 
His furry arms outstretched and limp. 
His breathing is steady and his body warm. 
His tail is slightly curled.
Occasionally he makes little sounds of contentment. 

In a moment he will stretch, and bound down to the floor in a beautiful single fluid motion. 
He will curl up at my feet, and wave his tail expressively as I speak to him-
 before going back to peaceful sleep. 

My cat is pure soft stripey joy with cute little ears and long whiskers. 

Yes, I adore my Skitty Cat. 

That cute little thing he does with one ear turned....♥


I wish you all good meaow for now, 
Alette ♥

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Working on Me and finding a well tempered Roar

I realized through reading peoples group Facebook posts that I often actually have something constructive to say. Huh. Who Knew? I guess I should not be all that surprised because the last few years I have experienced a great deal of personal growth, clarity, and awareness.

I did a little online quiz recently and it posed questions, the answers were based on choosing a tarot card out of a set of six or more. I don't usually do the whole on line quiz thing but I figured I would give this one a shot. What it told me was interesting. It stated the following:

"Your subconscious is hiding a strong confidence and sense of power. The Tarot reveal that you're a natural born leader with a strong sense of self. You're determined, hardworking, confident, eager, and highly attractive. You have a mission in life and there's nothing stopping you. Very few things are able to get you down because you're certain of your true purpose in life. Trust your intuition, never doubt yourself and when you feel your most confident....spread your wings and fly! You're able to accomplish great things when you trust your gut instinct and rely on your impressive capabilities!"

That's right! It claims that I need to step out, find my voice, and roar like a lion. 

I have long stayed in the shadows in most areas of life. I keep a distance from the cliques and chatty groups. I don't go for block parties and neighborhood haha's. I avoid the drama filled PTA bullies. I allow a bit of space around myself.

Then I began to ask myself "why?". I realized a few things over time. One is that I pick up on the energy and emotion of people around me (sometimes animals too). Two is that I lack the confidence to include myself - or perhaps I lack the confidence that other people will behave well - and that I, in turn, will know how to handle that. (As a child I was always told that I was too sensitive. I often used to take things very personally and automatically perceive others behavior as somehow my fault.)

This is where that growth, clarity, and awareness comes in. These things are often hard won. We all have things to work through, sometimes we don't even know what they are. I have found as my meditation has increased so has my ability to gain clarity. With clarity comes awareness. Now that I am more aware I have been able to tackle some personal issues that had been previously hidden from my conscience. Now when I say that, I mean issues regarding my own understanding of  my childhood scenes, or perspectives of others in past situations, or past hurts that could not quite put my finger on. Once I really worked on these things, I enjoyed growth. Now I am able to see the world and myself through a clean spiffy lens.

Lately I have adopted the "Thou shall taketh no shit" policy. I tend to live in a state of neutral. I am fairly well balanced - according even to my Birkman score. I am generally just me. When I have to engage with the world I am sometimes caught off guard. Other peoples energy can just whamp me on my petootie if I am not careful. After the fact I find myself wishing I had said X, Y, and Z - but by then it is too late. So, this brings me back to the "Thou shall taketh no shit" policy. I am kind of tired of being run over, through, and around. I am asserting myself a bit more and stepping out there. I am readying my ROAR - with wisdom! 

Another thing I have gained with my clean spiffy lens is a wonderful personal peace. This has come with the clarity to know when to just not respond. Not everything requires a roar. I am better able to see when the issue of someone elses rudeness is actually completely a projection of their own issues - and actually has zero to do with who I am. I can feel their energy and read it now, instead of just being waylaid by the force of it. Awesome. I feel free. 

Find, and temper, your own roar! I say to you - look within. Meditate. Ask yourself why? Why do "I" feel.... Do this from a place of being ready to accept responsibility for your own issues, shortcoming, and prepared to make the changes necessary to be better! Where it really was your fault - go back and apologize. Then leave the issue there. Done. Over. Ask yourself how you can do things better today, then yesterday - and treat yourself kindly. Understand that you can not force another person to react a certain way, or fix their own issues. That is not your responsibility. You can fix you and then move on being happy with personal growth, clarity, and awareness.

I wish you love and light;  personal growth, clarity, and awareness; and a well tempered roar!
Blessed Be loves!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March Fun~ as we Welcome Spring, celebrate Irish Heritage, and have a good time!

March. What a fantastic month. So many amazing fun things about March - it is a beautiful month in nature! Everything begins to bloom. We observe the equinox and welcome spring!

We begin to really celebrate the turning of the season with the spring equinox. We visited some beautiful natural places as a family. We talked about the changes occurring around us in nature. We played "Flower Bingo" where each player tries to be the first to point to certain flowers and trees.

I burn Rose incense this month to welcome new blooms. Makes me feel all springy even if it may still be a bit on the chilly side. I have also burned it, while meditating, out doors before the buds popped.

I offered springy mandalas to each of the kids to color along with a new box of colored pencils and a personal sketch pad. I personally love anything that encourages artistic expression! Gaia covers the world with blooms at this time, and I find it inspirational to color on paper along with her.

This is also the month where our family ventures out into the wildflowers for photos! This is one of my favorite traditions because I display the photos in my home and share the photos with extended family.

Goddess and God egg for the Egg Tree
One fun project we began a few springs ago is to create a Deco Egg Tree. We color fake eggs for hanging in a tree. We collect a new fallen branch and hang some home decorated eggs on it indoors, with new ones being added each season.

This year we used Crayola Scribble Eggs which I found on a lark in CVS. Both colored pencils and crayons worked wonderfully on these. (Do note that markers are not so good on these, oddly they just rub off.)

Our family also has an egg hunt. We use plastic eggs that (we parents pre) filled with seeds. We plant the seeds in the flower bed at the end of the collecting and we "welcome spring, little seeds". In a few weeks we will have a lovely new flower garden. Next year we may do this with veggie seeds as well.

Something about spring time just screams bubbles to me! We bought new bubble bottles and took time this weekend to get out and just play with the bubbles. No one is ever too old for the simple wonder of bubbles in the breeze.

Another BIG thing we do in march is celebrate Irish Heritage on March 17, and around then too. This year marked the 100th year of freedom in Ireland. As a decedent of Irish Patriots, I can not express how proud I am of this accomplishment which overcomes 700 years of oppression - with a century of freedom! This month, although not actually Irish, we enjoy Corned beef and cabbage a few times. This meal has other significance for me as well, as its origins in NYC are also part of my Irish heritage. We celebrate the new season of spring as well as the new seasons of prosperity in Ireland. (I am just gonna sit this here: I bleed Brian Boru Blue!)

At this time we discuss family history, genealogy, and in timeless oral tradition - the stories of "my" people. This, is just as I grew up with at the knee of my elders. I just can not express how much this means to me!

Although not specifically related to any of the other things, my kids just love baking cookies - so we did that too. We broke out some colored sugar and made festive colorful tasty treats.

Ideas for next year:
*Write prayer on small paper and roll it into the scribble egg. Glue shut with small ribbon for hanging. NEVER open the eggs.
*Egg relays. I plan to come up with some plastic egg games.

The following link is something I really like! I plan to do this myself on Friday. It will be the last day of March, and I can not think of a better way to personally take time with my Gods, the Trees, and welcome spring in a very personal ritual! I feel quite kindered with this youtuber (Anni at MIRTHandREVERENCE)- I deeply admire her and her practice, ethic, and honesty. That is not something I say lightly.
Awesome video here:
"Season of Air - Spell of the Four Winds"

Blessed Be Friends!

~Alette ♥

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My First Box of Shadows arrived!

Recently, I was delighted to find the arrival of my first Box of Shadows! I have never done the monthly crate thing before but have heard good things. I decided that this would be a good place to start. 

No, it was not free. I subscribed on a lark! I have been really looking forward to receiving this first box. I chose the priestess box at apx. $40 monthly. I do not have a shop nearby (Yes, I know, that is a lot of money to be committed to on a monthly basis. I have to drive at lest an hour and get lost in the process to get to a rock shop that has a few pagan items - so this box could be worth the $40 if it has items I can not get locally or easily.)

The package was included with my regular USPS mail. The outter bag is the typical postal service one which protects against wetness. Then inside....

The whole packaging is earth friendly - which I love! In fact I think the box would make a great spell box..... There's no tape it just unfolds and has the Goddess symbol on the top. So many possibilities!

I am quite pleased with the content of the box as well. As you can see in the photo, there is a rainbow colored bracelet that appears to be made with nice stones. There is also bundled sage ready for use. The chime candles and well sized candle holder are super as that is something I can not get locally, and if I drive for it - they are not cheap. There is also incense and a medallion to ward off the evil eye. (The medallion frankly gives me the creeps. That must mean I should be using it - lol. I need to read about it and then cleanse.) There is also a lovely stone, which I already cleansed, dedicated, and charged. I carried it in my pocket over the weekend - and enjoyed it quite nicely. 

So - there you have it. I will post about the next one as well. Hopefully it will be as interesting and useful as this one.

Blessed Be~
Alette ♥

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Anti - Bernie Mormons, Social Media, and Friending

Whats with the anti-Bernie Mormon fervor? 

Proud Disclosure - I support Bernie Sanders for President. He is the perfect candidate with a lot of common sense. I actually WANT him as my US President. He is inclusive, smart, and has vision. I would be so excited to see him as POTUS! Also, I support freedom and public policy free from theocracy. 

Disclosure Number 2: No, this isn't about what our family did to celebrate a Pagan anything. So if you aren't interested in this - ok, I'll see you in a few days when I publish the Ostara / Spring post. 
I will be here with peace, love, and happiness. 

OH and...
YES! I am snarky. YES! I am telling you exactly what I think! NO! I will not leave the snark out - it is of course, why you love me!

***   ***   ***   

SO back to my original question: Whats with the anti-Bernie Mormon fervor? I mean seriously...

I find looking at social media to be a fascinating (and oft revealing) study in "In group - Out group" theory. Additionally, I have been considering Facebook specifically as a study in social science. 

I noticed on Facebook that every one of my Mormon friends are anti-Bernie. Very specifically ANTI Bernie. I can not help but wonder why. This got me to thinking. In my wonder, I also observed that I would lose these 'friends' if I asked that legitimate question. (Of course, they know they can not convert me - they really don't know what to do with me. Many of them have simply 'friended' me, and delete my comments too. Read on.)

Follow the Money
This also caused me to reflect on these facts. Here's the thing kids, Mormons pay a great deal of money to their church. Not only is it ten percent of gross household income off the cuff, but it's a constant bleed with a great deal of guilt and coercion. The average adherent would not dare refuse to pay up when asked. They are asked often. Really. (yes, I do actually know this. Intimately.)

Just the Facts
Now before you send me hate filled messages - let me just get this out there. I was a Mormon. Married with children. Drinking the pitcher of LDS Kool-iad.  I also am college educated - specifically focused on (non Mormon, evangelical) Christian Theology. Not BYU! Yes. In caps. Both of these things. This is why I am critical of all things Mormon, and Christian-ish, Also, this contributes to why I am a practicing Nature Based Pagan today. 

In summation - All I can say is - Do not drink the Kool-aid! 

'Friending' - as defined long before social media
If a Mormon does you a solid - you can bet your ass it is not without strings. You will be the subject of proselytizing either during or as a result of said 'kindness'. See, LDS members are told to 'friend' people, The constant buzz is to act as a "friend" for the purpose of converting and retaining cash paying converts.    Oh wait - no, no, that's not for cash but for the good of the members soul. NO, no wait - it is for the neighbors soul. After all - don't you want to be ruled by the infallible prophet? (like a pope - no of course not.... like a government operating independently and hell bent on world domination - uuuuh hold on - don't look behind the curtain!)

Theocracy Conspiracy like 007 style?
That's right. Ask a practicing Mormon. They will vehemently tell you that Mormonism will cover the entire earth. They will also pay lip service to respecting others - but at the same time will also be sending their children (today both boys and girls) at a rate of $400 per month (today's fees) on the shiny mission. Proselytizing does not respect others - it is a basic assertion of personal supremacy. This also demonstrates how the LDS have already a theocratic army at their disposal. (We can talk another time about the indoctrination that goes on while on a mission.)

(OK stay with me. That's ten percent of gross household income per year, and four hundred dollars per month, per child for their mission, while "serving".) ((BTW the grand vision is to MERGE with Muslims at some point. The official policy is NOT to proselytize or convert Muslims. EVERY other group is fair game. Yes. Really. I have heard all of this with my own ears in various church meetings since about 2001)) There is an entire policy set out by Joseph Smith to create a world wide theocratical socialist society. Really. It is the overarching goal of the LDS Brethren and supporting membership (who are regularly asked to 'sustain' the leadership). This is not new. Joseph Smith came up with this a very looong time ago. This is actually part of official theology - they believe he was called of God to put this world wide plan in play. (Really. Look it up!)

Social Media and Member "responsibilities" 
The organisation has an extensive machine of 'service for winning converts'. They own and operate farms, warehouses, thrift stores, counseling services, etc. etc. - and participate very publicly in pretty much every major crisis. You want help? Then you can welcome their message.

Members have been conscripted to sign up for various social media outlets and project their udder elation at not being a cookie cutter drone, but a faithful adherent to the Mormon way. Additionally, They employ/conscript a slick team of public relations and social media communications experts who ensure their branding, service, and desire to win your loyalty, is well known. (...wait is that propaganda? No of course not... its faith!) 

These activities are funded by members donations (always in addition to the requisite tithe of ten percent). Members are gathered methodically in a meeting and asked for money specifically to fund these programs. They are additionally conscripted to perform labor at these installations. Members are asked to do things like grind wheat and make peanut butter in church owned factories.

There are no anonymous donations. Every penny is accounted for and attributed to the individual member. There is a great deal of peer pressure and coercion to never ever say NO. So great is the status of one whose capital is given to the Mormon movement that members who have been promoted to 'authorities' have published articles and given 'talks' on how consistent their official record of giving has been since childhood. So, want to be a revered party member? Proselytize and pay up! 

Ok tabulating again - 10% per annum, 400(number of children)(18-24 months), general 'missions' donations, general 'LDS Charities' donations.... holy cow that is a LOT of money! Much of which members won't discuss with outsiders unless pressed. 

So what does all I have said above have to do with being Anti-Bernie?
Haha your gonna love this!  If you are already forking over massive quantities of personal funds to save your soul, stay in good graces, and support world domination through the LDS social service and proselytizing machine - you damn sure do not want the secular government to do the job with out proselytizing! You do not want people to be served and unified by a secular nation! You do not want peaceful secular US foreign policy. You do not want inclusion. You do not want fair taxes because you are already owned by the LDS government, who you actively agree to 'sustain'. You already pay them taxes (tithes and donations). You already support their missionary army with both your finances and offspring. Simply put - you want the US govt. to go away and allow the LDS machine to rule the world. That's right. Scary isn't it?

These are the things I learned as a member. This is why I will not allow my children to attend Mormon functions. This is why it is so very important not to ever elect an LDS US president. His loyalties could never be to anything but the LDS aim of a world wide theocratic socialist society under the direction of the LDS church - who already they call their president. (Really. Look it up.)

Don't like anything I said here? No problem. Look it up! 
(Oh and if you are one of those people who are afraid of losing your relationship with the holy spirit (and becoming apostate) by reading something that is not officially sanctioned by the LDS church - please, ask yourself why the church does not want you to think for yourself? Sound like thought police much? Naaah - couldn't be - its faith!)

Blessed Be~

*** *** ***

I support Bernie Sanders for President. He is the perfect candidate with a lot of common sense. I actually WANT him as my US President. He is inclusive, smart, and has vision. I would be so proud to see him as POTUS! #Bernie2016 #feelthebern 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Magickal Water

    I began writing this post while I was contemplating and anxiously awaiting the next rain storm. I have an empty jar in need of rain water. Once I began typing about the collection and use of my various waters - it occurred to me that I don't really know how others use water, or what types of water they use. I have a lovely book by Cunningham "Earth, Air, Fire, and water" which has been very handy but that is where the bulk of my water craft originated. (I highly recommend anything by Cunningham) Instinct took over from there.

I began googling the concept the day after I wrote my initial thoughts in this post. I will post some links at the bottom for further reading as I found there are a great many ideas out there. I won't really even paraphrase those pages here - just follow the links to the original blog authors, my post is plenty long.

My thoughts reflecting on my own practice with water up to this point: 

I have a healthy respect for water. It is essential to life and is in us, around us, falls down upon us, flows beneath us, and runs right through us. It is both life giving (drinking) and quite powerfully scary (tsunami). I always imagine the flow of energy to be much like the flow of water. Part of traditional Wicca is really considering the elements and how they relate within the universe. 

I like to use mason jars to collect a variety of differently sourced waters. I keep these on hand for magickal use. I tend to procure jars by the case in specific sizes both for actual canning and for magickal purposes. 

I wash the new jars in the dishwasher, purify them with sea salt water and incense, and consecrate them as well. The they are ready to be divine water collectors! 

(Insert giggle here) I am contemplating the idea that after running the dishwasher full of only jars and letting them finish - perhaps I could cast my circle standing there, toss some sea salt into the dishwasher and set the setting to rinse and dry. I could pass stick incense all around them while still on the machine racks too. That would save a lot of time. Aaaah the marvels of modern witchery. LOL....  perhaps I should do a post on Modern Pragmatic Paganism... yet, here I digress....

Rain showers are total happiness to me. I really enjoy little in life as much as a good hard rain shower. I love the thunder and lightening - in fact I feel there is special charging and cleansing energy in lightening. SO very special! With or without lightening, when it begins to rain - out goes one of my large jars. I leave it outside in the open to collect rain water directly from the sky. 

**Let me just insert this thought - in general, I run outdoor water through a coffee filter or cloth diaper before "canning" - I don't want any unexpected negative extras in the water! I do this as soon as possible after collection to limit what can grow there. Do be careful!

Tree water is another special little something. I feel it important to get to know the trees where I dwell. I say dwell because we dwell in many places. Where ever we spend a lot of time, for our purposes here - we are dwelling. Note the types and their proximity to their fellows. Are they native? What are their spiritual properties? These are the kinds of things I like to keep track of - and they are helpful for our magickal lives. (yeah, I guess that to could be its own post...)  Back to water - if I know an oak tree, I might ask for its guidance, and protection. I would set out a large jar where the only rain collected will have fallen from its branches and leaves into my jar. There is never as much collected there as would be in the open - so using a large pyrex pan can help collect a greater volume, then transfer the newly collected tree water into a prepared jar. (FYI - always thank the tree!)

I bring sea water from the shore in two jars, because I do not live close to a seashore. My current geography prevents me from getting too deeply aligned with the great oceans. This water is so energetic on its own, and already contains natural salt. Potent stuff. On our most recent sojourn to the coast my children gathered water, sand, a few small rocks, allowed room for sea air, and even a few beads they found on the beach in an empty water bottle. They showed it off at school and were so very proud of what they had done. The bottle sat in the middle of the kitchen in a place of honor for three lunar months. There was a lovely feel to this bit of childhood magick! There are many people who consider themselves Sea Witches - they clearly have far more knowledge on this then I. If you find some great links please share them with me. I am always seeking. 

Along these lines, I happen not to live in a desert or follow a geographically desert path. I suspect that water which had fallen and been collected from beneath natural formations in the desert also has special properties. There is a tap of natural water in the outdoor area of the visitor center of the Grand Canyon. I plan to collect a jar from there at some point. Drinking that water is quite special. (There is a sign stating it is drinking water.) It felt as if it has a healing property. One of my children was particularly impressed with it and asks frequently when the opportunity will arise to drink more Grand Canyon Water. (Disclaimer here - don't go around ingesting magick or wild water. It is not all potable - our family does not ingest most wild water.) There are many people who follow Native paths (IE Correllian Nativist Tradition) - they clearly have far more knowledge on native plains and deserts then I.  Again, If you find some great links please share them with me. Our various paths are fascinating.

I put filtered tap water from my home out for Brid to bless at Imbolc and charge with the related full moon. (That is one holiday I strictly align with the full moon.) This water I feel is particularly special. I only use water from my home as she is my home-girl Goddess. (It's ok. She has a great sence of humor - she has to in my home.) 

Have you heard of the work of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, concerning the crystals of varying water sources? Well give that a little google if you are unfamiliar. It is quite amazing. Along these lines, I like to use labels to assist in charging water with positivity. I like to make love water. I mark the jar with affirmations of love and belonging. If you use your imagination or meditate on this idea you can see how this concept can be used for a variety of spells and magickal uses. 

For example a small jar - perhaps one that once held babyfood or spices - can be written on for intent, slept with, meditated with, charged by the sun and/or moon - then used to dress items or people depending on ones purpose. Along the way you can add what ever correspondence items you wish such as crystals, stones, metals, herbs, be creative in accordance with your intent. You can use a particular sharpie color(S) to amplify your energies to a particular cause. This jar would result in a strong water for one particular purpose. Sometimes, as in my children's seashore bottle outlined above, the purpose may simply be to bring a particular energy and feeling to a space. 

Another fun and effective thing to do is paint with your special water. The paintings can be tiny or giant. We use water color paints and pagan water to create prayer paintings. For Example - a student who wanted to improve grades. Using an 8.5x11 paper, the child painted a picture of open books, the child's name, A+'s, trophies, happy faces, pencils, etc. The intent of good studying as well as the resulting grades were poured into the picture. The child's energy as well as the waters energy added to create quite the personal little spell. It was hung above the students homework desk area. 

I label the jars with sharpie markers and keep them dedicated to their particular type of water. I tried other writing items like crayon and wax pencils but they just don't hold up, or have enough visual oomph. SO, the tried and true sharpie it is for me. I usually use strong protective black for the general collections of holy water. 

For further reading - These are the links I mentioned at the beginning of this piece:
The Essentials:
A few good mixes -
By Mrs.B (whose book on household witchery I recommend)
So much info!Follow the links to the whole series! Great read!

Sea Witchery
Nativist Tradition

There ya go. Some great reading. 
Blessed Be!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Full Moon of February 22, 2016!

One of my favorite things to do is watch the moon. I love finding her in the daytime sky, and make it a point to have a moment of silence with her as often as possible, regardless of the moon phase. I always include my children. Last night was no exception. 

Last night was an amazing full moon! The night was cool and breezy. No rain yet. We were in a local park on a hill where the eastern sky is unobscured by structures. What a sight! Beautiful Clouds appeared to be dancing with the Goddess across a dark sky. She would waltz dazzlingly into full view momentarily, then her deep purple, silvery grey, and inky black rain clouds would again swirl in front of her. A graceful dancer, always her rays so bright, beautiful, and utterly enchanting. 

I pointed out the scene to an entire teen age baseball team - they all seemed momentarily captivated by the dance before them. Each speechless for brief seconds. (This is really saying something for teenage boys, I might add.) As the drizzle began, we left the park.

Full moon is when we charge the family stones and crystals. (Each of us has our own small collection,) Due to the wet conditions, for the safety of our items, we opted to use an interior window ledge oriented for best lunar exposure. I used a small, clear, shallow, Pyrex pan. Each of my children used a small clear glass for their rocks. 

We charge ourselves as well with the moon. I enjoy taking advantage of the extra energy brought in by the lunar fullness in a personal way too. My mate and I find the full moon also be a wonderful time to re energize our coupleness. We are a bit more mindful of spending quality quiet time alone (and awake LOL) during the full moon. This can be as simple as sitting together admiring it over a cuppa coffee or tea. 

Hubs and I were awakened in the wee hours by a fantastic lightening show. Hard to sleep when your cat gets spooked and runs across you while light crackles and flashes through the window! Tons of wonderful rain! Which brings me tooooo.... Gathering pagan water. (Hummm...this should be it's own post.)

Obviously not every full moon involves rainy lightening storms. I believe it quite special when this happens! I collected some water with last nights showers. Today I prepped and canned it. I am so very pleased with how it went. I am thankful to the Lord and Lady for this gift! 

I hope that your every full moon is magickal!

Blessed Be!