Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My First Box of Shadows arrived!

Recently, I was delighted to find the arrival of my first Box of Shadows! I have never done the monthly crate thing before but have heard good things. I decided that this would be a good place to start. 

No, it was not free. I subscribed on a lark! I have been really looking forward to receiving this first box. I chose the priestess box at apx. $40 monthly. I do not have a shop nearby (Yes, I know, that is a lot of money to be committed to on a monthly basis. I have to drive at lest an hour and get lost in the process to get to a rock shop that has a few pagan items - so this box could be worth the $40 if it has items I can not get locally or easily.)

The package was included with my regular USPS mail. The outter bag is the typical postal service one which protects against wetness. Then inside....

The whole packaging is earth friendly - which I love! In fact I think the box would make a great spell box..... There's no tape it just unfolds and has the Goddess symbol on the top. So many possibilities!

I am quite pleased with the content of the box as well. As you can see in the photo, there is a rainbow colored bracelet that appears to be made with nice stones. There is also bundled sage ready for use. The chime candles and well sized candle holder are super as that is something I can not get locally, and if I drive for it - they are not cheap. There is also incense and a medallion to ward off the evil eye. (The medallion frankly gives me the creeps. That must mean I should be using it - lol. I need to read about it and then cleanse.) There is also a lovely stone, which I already cleansed, dedicated, and charged. I carried it in my pocket over the weekend - and enjoyed it quite nicely. 

So - there you have it. I will post about the next one as well. Hopefully it will be as interesting and useful as this one.

Blessed Be~
Alette ♥

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