Saturday, May 7, 2016

Beltane - AKA May Day

Hope ya'll had a Blessed Beltane peeps!

As luck would have it, our family had many non-faith activities on the calendar for May 1 this year. We did spend a lot of time outdoors - which is pretty typical for us. I had planned several fun activities (a craft and bonfire) that frankly just did not pan out with all the other things we had going on that day. I am not one to push kids to miss other fun things for most holidays. 

I had planned to make friendship bracelets with lovely colorful floss. I was thinking they would be a lovely creative and magickal activity. Alas, they are time consuming and we simply did not get to them. I did however take a photo as part of my planning.

I like to associate rose pink and wode blue with Beltane. I tend to think of roses too. I find the imagery of denim and flowers quite nice for this holiday. I particularly like to wear blue jeans, go barefoot outside wearing either flowers or a flower pattern or a pastel. (If you aren't from the south you may not be aware that the right blue jeans can be formal wear. True story. Promise!) This time, We just wore casual every day clothes. That's just how it is sometimes. We go with the flow. 

Our whole little family went outside and used one of our beloved mature trees as a Maypole. I lit some rose incense in the grove, which was really nice. The smoke kind of wound around us and smelled so nice! We had a good time and lots of laughter as we tried to weave a lovely pattern. In the end it was kinda wonky but just filled with love. While we were out there we blew some bubbles and enjoyed a nice spring breeze. We also took a minute to check on the little plants that have sprung up from the seeds we planted from our eggs at the Spring Equinox.

Inside the house we lit a rose colored candle complete with a white stripe spiraling around it representing the May Pole. We dedicated it to renewed creativity and abundance of Beltane and allowed it to burn all the way down. 

I enjoyed reading this article from the BBC. It would be so nice to have an inclusive town celebration such as those described in the article. Can you imagine this in the south? HA! 

I would love to read about how you observed Beltane! 
I wish you renewed creativity and abundance!

~Alette  )0(

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