So what about that haul?

I received my June, BOS (gulp) a few weeks ago! Perhaps my kitty was the most exxcited - he still goes right for that box! (I love this furball!)
The facts: $40 per month, renews automatically, communication via email. Simple. Consistent. Perhaps this should be called "Box of Awesomeness" instead!
What's the haul this month?
This month I received a black and a white votive candle with a tip sheet (very timely protection candles), a sage smudge bundle, a box of incense, a polished tiger eye stone, a pack of lavender buds, a portion of 'lovers tea', a container of "Fire" bath salt, a goddess pendent on a cord, a beautiful pentagram altar box, and a lovely tiger eye bracelet with a sun celestial charm!
I noticed there are no chime candles this time.

I love getting this each month! Everything in the box is nice again. My two favorite things in this shipment are the alter box with a carved pentagram and the celestial tiger eye bracelet! Both are really beautiful. I often carry tiger iron in my pocket. I am just drawn to that stone I guess.
I noticed there are no chime candles this time.

I love getting this each month! Everything in the box is nice again. My two favorite things in this shipment are the alter box with a carved pentagram and the celestial tiger eye bracelet! Both are really beautiful. I often carry tiger iron in my pocket. I am just drawn to that stone I guess.

I will get to the July BOS post pretty soon - I know I am so late on this one... eeeh! Need to get a cuppa coffee just now lol. C'mon, You know you wish we could sit here with me and have a nice cuppa together! Who knows what energy we'd get cooking! X)
~Alette )0(