Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Magickal Water

    I began writing this post while I was contemplating and anxiously awaiting the next rain storm. I have an empty jar in need of rain water. Once I began typing about the collection and use of my various waters - it occurred to me that I don't really know how others use water, or what types of water they use. I have a lovely book by Cunningham "Earth, Air, Fire, and water" which has been very handy but that is where the bulk of my water craft originated. (I highly recommend anything by Cunningham) Instinct took over from there.

I began googling the concept the day after I wrote my initial thoughts in this post. I will post some links at the bottom for further reading as I found there are a great many ideas out there. I won't really even paraphrase those pages here - just follow the links to the original blog authors, my post is plenty long.

My thoughts reflecting on my own practice with water up to this point: 

I have a healthy respect for water. It is essential to life and is in us, around us, falls down upon us, flows beneath us, and runs right through us. It is both life giving (drinking) and quite powerfully scary (tsunami). I always imagine the flow of energy to be much like the flow of water. Part of traditional Wicca is really considering the elements and how they relate within the universe. 

I like to use mason jars to collect a variety of differently sourced waters. I keep these on hand for magickal use. I tend to procure jars by the case in specific sizes both for actual canning and for magickal purposes. 

I wash the new jars in the dishwasher, purify them with sea salt water and incense, and consecrate them as well. The they are ready to be divine water collectors! 

(Insert giggle here) I am contemplating the idea that after running the dishwasher full of only jars and letting them finish - perhaps I could cast my circle standing there, toss some sea salt into the dishwasher and set the setting to rinse and dry. I could pass stick incense all around them while still on the machine racks too. That would save a lot of time. Aaaah the marvels of modern witchery. LOL....  perhaps I should do a post on Modern Pragmatic Paganism... yet, here I digress....

Rain showers are total happiness to me. I really enjoy little in life as much as a good hard rain shower. I love the thunder and lightening - in fact I feel there is special charging and cleansing energy in lightening. SO very special! With or without lightening, when it begins to rain - out goes one of my large jars. I leave it outside in the open to collect rain water directly from the sky. 

**Let me just insert this thought - in general, I run outdoor water through a coffee filter or cloth diaper before "canning" - I don't want any unexpected negative extras in the water! I do this as soon as possible after collection to limit what can grow there. Do be careful!

Tree water is another special little something. I feel it important to get to know the trees where I dwell. I say dwell because we dwell in many places. Where ever we spend a lot of time, for our purposes here - we are dwelling. Note the types and their proximity to their fellows. Are they native? What are their spiritual properties? These are the kinds of things I like to keep track of - and they are helpful for our magickal lives. (yeah, I guess that to could be its own post...)  Back to water - if I know an oak tree, I might ask for its guidance, and protection. I would set out a large jar where the only rain collected will have fallen from its branches and leaves into my jar. There is never as much collected there as would be in the open - so using a large pyrex pan can help collect a greater volume, then transfer the newly collected tree water into a prepared jar. (FYI - always thank the tree!)

I bring sea water from the shore in two jars, because I do not live close to a seashore. My current geography prevents me from getting too deeply aligned with the great oceans. This water is so energetic on its own, and already contains natural salt. Potent stuff. On our most recent sojourn to the coast my children gathered water, sand, a few small rocks, allowed room for sea air, and even a few beads they found on the beach in an empty water bottle. They showed it off at school and were so very proud of what they had done. The bottle sat in the middle of the kitchen in a place of honor for three lunar months. There was a lovely feel to this bit of childhood magick! There are many people who consider themselves Sea Witches - they clearly have far more knowledge on this then I. If you find some great links please share them with me. I am always seeking. 

Along these lines, I happen not to live in a desert or follow a geographically desert path. I suspect that water which had fallen and been collected from beneath natural formations in the desert also has special properties. There is a tap of natural water in the outdoor area of the visitor center of the Grand Canyon. I plan to collect a jar from there at some point. Drinking that water is quite special. (There is a sign stating it is drinking water.) It felt as if it has a healing property. One of my children was particularly impressed with it and asks frequently when the opportunity will arise to drink more Grand Canyon Water. (Disclaimer here - don't go around ingesting magick or wild water. It is not all potable - our family does not ingest most wild water.) There are many people who follow Native paths (IE Correllian Nativist Tradition) - they clearly have far more knowledge on native plains and deserts then I.  Again, If you find some great links please share them with me. Our various paths are fascinating.

I put filtered tap water from my home out for Brid to bless at Imbolc and charge with the related full moon. (That is one holiday I strictly align with the full moon.) This water I feel is particularly special. I only use water from my home as she is my home-girl Goddess. (It's ok. She has a great sence of humor - she has to in my home.) 

Have you heard of the work of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, concerning the crystals of varying water sources? Well give that a little google if you are unfamiliar. It is quite amazing. Along these lines, I like to use labels to assist in charging water with positivity. I like to make love water. I mark the jar with affirmations of love and belonging. If you use your imagination or meditate on this idea you can see how this concept can be used for a variety of spells and magickal uses. 

For example a small jar - perhaps one that once held babyfood or spices - can be written on for intent, slept with, meditated with, charged by the sun and/or moon - then used to dress items or people depending on ones purpose. Along the way you can add what ever correspondence items you wish such as crystals, stones, metals, herbs, be creative in accordance with your intent. You can use a particular sharpie color(S) to amplify your energies to a particular cause. This jar would result in a strong water for one particular purpose. Sometimes, as in my children's seashore bottle outlined above, the purpose may simply be to bring a particular energy and feeling to a space. 

Another fun and effective thing to do is paint with your special water. The paintings can be tiny or giant. We use water color paints and pagan water to create prayer paintings. For Example - a student who wanted to improve grades. Using an 8.5x11 paper, the child painted a picture of open books, the child's name, A+'s, trophies, happy faces, pencils, etc. The intent of good studying as well as the resulting grades were poured into the picture. The child's energy as well as the waters energy added to create quite the personal little spell. It was hung above the students homework desk area. 

I label the jars with sharpie markers and keep them dedicated to their particular type of water. I tried other writing items like crayon and wax pencils but they just don't hold up, or have enough visual oomph. SO, the tried and true sharpie it is for me. I usually use strong protective black for the general collections of holy water. 

For further reading - These are the links I mentioned at the beginning of this piece:
The Essentials:
A few good mixes -
By Mrs.B (whose book on household witchery I recommend)
So much info!Follow the links to the whole series! Great read!

Sea Witchery
Nativist Tradition

There ya go. Some great reading. 
Blessed Be!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Full Moon of February 22, 2016!

One of my favorite things to do is watch the moon. I love finding her in the daytime sky, and make it a point to have a moment of silence with her as often as possible, regardless of the moon phase. I always include my children. Last night was no exception. 

Last night was an amazing full moon! The night was cool and breezy. No rain yet. We were in a local park on a hill where the eastern sky is unobscured by structures. What a sight! Beautiful Clouds appeared to be dancing with the Goddess across a dark sky. She would waltz dazzlingly into full view momentarily, then her deep purple, silvery grey, and inky black rain clouds would again swirl in front of her. A graceful dancer, always her rays so bright, beautiful, and utterly enchanting. 

I pointed out the scene to an entire teen age baseball team - they all seemed momentarily captivated by the dance before them. Each speechless for brief seconds. (This is really saying something for teenage boys, I might add.) As the drizzle began, we left the park.

Full moon is when we charge the family stones and crystals. (Each of us has our own small collection,) Due to the wet conditions, for the safety of our items, we opted to use an interior window ledge oriented for best lunar exposure. I used a small, clear, shallow, Pyrex pan. Each of my children used a small clear glass for their rocks. 

We charge ourselves as well with the moon. I enjoy taking advantage of the extra energy brought in by the lunar fullness in a personal way too. My mate and I find the full moon also be a wonderful time to re energize our coupleness. We are a bit more mindful of spending quality quiet time alone (and awake LOL) during the full moon. This can be as simple as sitting together admiring it over a cuppa coffee or tea. 

Hubs and I were awakened in the wee hours by a fantastic lightening show. Hard to sleep when your cat gets spooked and runs across you while light crackles and flashes through the window! Tons of wonderful rain! Which brings me tooooo.... Gathering pagan water. (Hummm...this should be it's own post.)

Obviously not every full moon involves rainy lightening storms. I believe it quite special when this happens! I collected some water with last nights showers. Today I prepped and canned it. I am so very pleased with how it went. I am thankful to the Lord and Lady for this gift! 

I hope that your every full moon is magickal!

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bon Mardi Gras!

    So while it is true that Mardi Gras is not on the Wiccan wheel of the year - I will tell you unabashedly.....

I love Mardi Gras!

THERE. I said it. I love this flashy, fun celebration of life. I love the parades. I love the costumes. I T-Totally love the masks and beads. Then there's the food.....Of course we would never leave out the king cake! I purchased that because it's so much easier then baking. (This is a yummy treat - brioche which has been frosted and topped with colored sugar in green, purple, and yellow). It's enjoyed at breakfast lunch and dinner often during the weekend leading up to fat tuesday (AKA Mardi Gras and Pancake Tuesday)!

On Mardi Gras we gather together as a family, sometimes friends too. Often, we have homemade blackened chicken, dirty rice, and pancakes. We drink a hella lot of coffee too - oh wait that's every day LOL.

We sometimes make little "parade floats" out of shoe boxes. Then we parade around the house or yard with our creations. We make up krewe names or we copy the famous ones,

Boas can be fun, I have tons of beads that we wear. Also, fool and mask cut outs we hang. We also have a big banner. I noticed some neat streamers with big 3-D balls in green, purple, and yellow at the dollar store this year,

We always make paper plate masks. This is done by cutting out your desired mask shape, coloring or gluing things on, then punching holes on the sides and tying ribbon through the holes to tie your mask in place.

We do all of this while listening to Pandora's Mardi Gras station. Could it be any easier or more fun? We dance around and act silly while wearing our home made masks and tons of beads. It really is a fun party!

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Dark Moon * Feb. 7 2016 Also, the Chinese Lunar New Year - Year of the Fire Monkey

The Dark Moon * Feb. 7, 2016
Also, the Chinese Lunar New Year - Year of the Fire Monkey

    Last night was a wonderful dark moon! The sky was clear and the stars were lovely and bright! I spent a bit gazing at them and whispering to the Lord and Lady, as well as the Elementals. I tried to spy where my dark Goddess might be in the sky. It felt almost giddy.

I left my tarot and oracle decks as well as my lithomancy stones and cloth outside for charging. In the morning they were quite cold and felt kind of full. 

Although I don't practice with any concrete relation to a Chinese path, I do feel we can gain much insite from other paths.

It is a sunny and blustery day today. I read a bit about the fire monkey and related predictions for this year. Among things I read was the quote "Let go or be dragged..." Ouch. So even though Imbolc had us clearing out and renewing... the year appears to have that theme. I can sense the upheaval around me. The energy is just a bit chaotic. I need no dragging. I will up my meditation and use lots of personal deep breathing!

I did not really have any big family activity last night. I did discuss a bit of lunar cycle and divinatory practice with one of my charges - but it was also Superbowl. So, football kind of won the attentions of my family. 

Blessed Be!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Welcome to Alette's Pagan Family Blog!

I plan to post what we do to celebrate various things as the wheel of the year turns. 

I plan to post as I get new ideas and will always enjoy feedback too!

I will post on FB each time a new post hits the blog as well. 

With Love and Light, Blessed Be!