Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Month Two of Box of Shadows!

 Box of Shadows

So Jazzed! I received my second Box of Shadows via post! I can't describe the feeling of finding that package in the mailbox. I did not realize just how much I would look forward to the surprise of whats inside. I was so excited I just kind of tore into it - then I took a picture of the treasures inside! So far, I am enjoying this new adventure.

The facts: $40 per month, renews automatically, communication via email. Simple. 

What's inside this month?

I am just jazzed with this months box. It appears to be spring themed - which is just perfect! As you can see in the photo, there is a bundle of sage, some chime candles, Rose incense, a wooden incense plate, a rose quartz stone, a malachite bracelet, a large funky pentacle, a package of "Painless Moments"  loose tea and a tea ball. 

Ever the ecology sweetheart I recycle - my cat has decided this box, now empty- is destined to be his. I will post about the next BoS crate next month. Excitement! X)

Cats love boxes
Every kitty, ever, needs a good box or fifty!

Blessed Be~

Alette ♥

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I ♥ my cat.

I adore my Cat. Yes this little post is about my favorite fuzzy buddy - my beloved Skitty. 

At this very moment as I type this, 

He is draped across my thigh. 
His furry arms outstretched and limp. 
His breathing is steady and his body warm. 
His tail is slightly curled.
Occasionally he makes little sounds of contentment. 

In a moment he will stretch, and bound down to the floor in a beautiful single fluid motion. 
He will curl up at my feet, and wave his tail expressively as I speak to him-
 before going back to peaceful sleep. 

My cat is pure soft stripey joy with cute little ears and long whiskers. 

Yes, I adore my Skitty Cat. 

That cute little thing he does with one ear turned....♥


I wish you all good meaow for now, 
Alette ♥

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Working on Me and finding a well tempered Roar

I realized through reading peoples group Facebook posts that I often actually have something constructive to say. Huh. Who Knew? I guess I should not be all that surprised because the last few years I have experienced a great deal of personal growth, clarity, and awareness.

I did a little online quiz recently and it posed questions, the answers were based on choosing a tarot card out of a set of six or more. I don't usually do the whole on line quiz thing but I figured I would give this one a shot. What it told me was interesting. It stated the following:

"Your subconscious is hiding a strong confidence and sense of power. The Tarot reveal that you're a natural born leader with a strong sense of self. You're determined, hardworking, confident, eager, and highly attractive. You have a mission in life and there's nothing stopping you. Very few things are able to get you down because you're certain of your true purpose in life. Trust your intuition, never doubt yourself and when you feel your most confident....spread your wings and fly! You're able to accomplish great things when you trust your gut instinct and rely on your impressive capabilities!"

That's right! It claims that I need to step out, find my voice, and roar like a lion. 

I have long stayed in the shadows in most areas of life. I keep a distance from the cliques and chatty groups. I don't go for block parties and neighborhood haha's. I avoid the drama filled PTA bullies. I allow a bit of space around myself.

Then I began to ask myself "why?". I realized a few things over time. One is that I pick up on the energy and emotion of people around me (sometimes animals too). Two is that I lack the confidence to include myself - or perhaps I lack the confidence that other people will behave well - and that I, in turn, will know how to handle that. (As a child I was always told that I was too sensitive. I often used to take things very personally and automatically perceive others behavior as somehow my fault.)

This is where that growth, clarity, and awareness comes in. These things are often hard won. We all have things to work through, sometimes we don't even know what they are. I have found as my meditation has increased so has my ability to gain clarity. With clarity comes awareness. Now that I am more aware I have been able to tackle some personal issues that had been previously hidden from my conscience. Now when I say that, I mean issues regarding my own understanding of  my childhood scenes, or perspectives of others in past situations, or past hurts that could not quite put my finger on. Once I really worked on these things, I enjoyed growth. Now I am able to see the world and myself through a clean spiffy lens.

Lately I have adopted the "Thou shall taketh no shit" policy. I tend to live in a state of neutral. I am fairly well balanced - according even to my Birkman score. I am generally just me. When I have to engage with the world I am sometimes caught off guard. Other peoples energy can just whamp me on my petootie if I am not careful. After the fact I find myself wishing I had said X, Y, and Z - but by then it is too late. So, this brings me back to the "Thou shall taketh no shit" policy. I am kind of tired of being run over, through, and around. I am asserting myself a bit more and stepping out there. I am readying my ROAR - with wisdom! 

Another thing I have gained with my clean spiffy lens is a wonderful personal peace. This has come with the clarity to know when to just not respond. Not everything requires a roar. I am better able to see when the issue of someone elses rudeness is actually completely a projection of their own issues - and actually has zero to do with who I am. I can feel their energy and read it now, instead of just being waylaid by the force of it. Awesome. I feel free. 

Find, and temper, your own roar! I say to you - look within. Meditate. Ask yourself why? Why do "I" feel.... Do this from a place of being ready to accept responsibility for your own issues, shortcoming, and prepared to make the changes necessary to be better! Where it really was your fault - go back and apologize. Then leave the issue there. Done. Over. Ask yourself how you can do things better today, then yesterday - and treat yourself kindly. Understand that you can not force another person to react a certain way, or fix their own issues. That is not your responsibility. You can fix you and then move on being happy with personal growth, clarity, and awareness.

I wish you love and light;  personal growth, clarity, and awareness; and a well tempered roar!
Blessed Be loves!